Kabbalah Dreamings
An introduction to the 10 Divine energy channels, (Sefirot), from the tree of life.
• A CD with 3 relaxation practices
• Super nap - helps you recover your energy during the day
• Improve your quality of sleep
• Feel the flow of love in your heart
• Written and Narrated by Dr.Orna Triguboff, A Kabbalah PHD.
About the Author: Dr.Orna Triguboff
Dr Orna Triguboff has a doctorate in Kabbalah from Sydney University, specialising in the Kabbalah of Rabbi Isaac Luria of Safed in the 16th century and angelology. Orna has also been a meditation and yoga teacher for 20 years. Before he passed away in 2006, Orna was a disciple of hatha yoga teacher, Acharya Upendra Roy. Orna is also a member of the Jewish Renewal movement and is a student of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. Orna is devoted to developing a body of practice and knowledge which integrates the spiritual path with Jewish teachings.